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Raport i tirana.al

 Gjeneruar në 17 Prill 2019 10:26 AM

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Bashkia Tiranë

Gjatësia : 14

Perfekte, titulli juaj përmban 10 deri në 70 karaktere.

Gjatësia : 0

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Shume keq. Ne nuk kemi gjetur fjalë kyçe meta në faqen tuaj.
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H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
8 3 37 6 0 0
  • [H1] Të Fundit
  • [H1] Aplikime & Informacione
  • [H1] Shërbime në hartë
  • [H1] Kryetari i Bashkisë
  • [H1] Këshilli Bashkiak
  • [H1] E-mail nga kryetari
  • [H1] Twitter
  • [H1] Eventet e kryeqytetit
  • [H2] 26, 248
  • [H2] 6, 118
  • [H2] 19.7k
  • [H3] Bashkia e Tiranës rindërton nga e para shkollën e muzikës “Servete Maçi”
  • [H3] Bashkia e Tiranës rindërton nga e para shkollën e muzikës “Servete Maçi”
  • [H3] Bashkia e Tiranës rindërton nga e para shkollën e muzikës “Servete Maçi”
  • [H3] Kryebashkiaku i Tiranës në takimin “Dita e qyteteve” që u organizua nga OKB në Gjenevë
  • [H3] Kryebashkiaku i Tiranës në takimin “Dita e qyteteve” që u organizua nga OKB në Gjenevë
  • [H3] Kryebashkiaku i Tiranës në takimin “Dita e qyteteve” që u organizua nga OKB në Gjenevë
  • [H3] Përfundon rikonstruksioni i mjediseve të përbashkëta të godinave 28-29 në “Qytetin Studenti”
  • [H3] Përfundon rikonstruksioni i mjediseve të përbashkëta të godinave 28-29 në “Qytetin Studenti”
  • [H3] Përfundon rikonstruksioni i mjediseve të përbashkëta të godinave 28-29 në “Qytetin Studenti”
  • [H3] Bashkia e Tiranës dhe Banka Evropiane për Investime nënshkruajnë paketën prej 11 mln euro
  • [H3] Bashkia e Tiranës dhe Banka Evropiane për Investime nënshkruajnë paketën prej 11 mln euro
  • [H3] Bashkia e Tiranës dhe Banka Evropiane për Investime nënshkruajnë paketën prej 11 mln euro
  • [H3] Bashkia e Tiranës dhe Banka Evropiane për Investime nënshkruajnë paketën prej 11 mln euro
  • [H3] Nënkryetari i Bashkisë së Tiranës, Arbjan Mazniku sqaron studentët e Universitetit Bujqësor
  • [H3] Kryebashkiaku i Tiranës merr pjesë në Samitin Digjital të Ballkanit Perëndimor në Beograd
  • [H3] Tirana, model suksesi edhe në Forumin e Mjedisit të Qyteteve Evropiane në Xhenova
  • [H3] Inaugurohet salla e re e koncerteve “Tonin Harapi” në Liceun Artistik
  • [H3] Vullnetarët i bashkohen aksionit të bashkisë për transformimin e zonës së Allgjatës në Vaqarr
  • [H3] Kryetari i Bashkisë së Tiranës
  • [H3] Lista Emërore e Këshilltarëve 2015-2019
  • [H3] Likes
  • [H3] Followers
  • [H3] Followers
  • [H3] 17
  • [H3] Dita e Tokës
  • [H3] 17
  • [H3] Konferenca e Parë e Teknologjisë Dixhitale Inovative
  • [H3] 17
  • [H3] Ditari i Ana Frank
  • [H3] 17
  • [H3] Qualcosa di nuovo di Cristina Comencini
  • [H3] 17
  • [H3] Sa-Cha-Ba te REJA
  • [H3] 18
  • [H3] Njësh me natyrën
  • [H3] Pyetje
  • [H3] Bashkia e Tiranës
  • [H4] prill
  • [H4] prill
  • [H4] prill
  • [H4] prill
  • [H4] prill
  • [H4] prill
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Anchor Lloji Juice
Administrata dhe Qytetarët I brendshëm Passing Juice
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Aplikacione për qytetarin I brendshëm Passing Juice
Kryetari i Bashkisë I brendshëm Passing Juice
Nënkryetarët I brendshëm Passing Juice
Këshilli Bashkiak I brendshëm Passing Juice
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Kopshte I brendshëm Passing Juice
Shkolla I brendshëm Passing Juice
Vende Pune I brendshëm Passing Juice
Programi Kombëtar i Praktikave të Punës I brendshëm Passing Juice
Praktika në Bashki I brendshëm Passing Juice
Prioritete I brendshëm Passing Juice
Plani Vjetor i Aktiviteteve I brendshëm Passing Juice
Thirrje për aplikime I brendshëm Passing Juice
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Tirana - Pak histori I brendshëm Passing Juice
Trashëgimia dhe Arkitektura I brendshëm Passing Juice
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1,2,3 ditë në Tiranë I brendshëm Passing Juice
Guida dhe Itinerare I brendshëm Passing Juice
Harta e qytetit I brendshëm Passing Juice
Atraksionet në Tiranë I brendshëm Passing Juice
Muze I brendshëm Passing Juice
Galeri I brendshëm Passing Juice
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Rrethinat e Tiranës I brendshëm Passing Juice
Agroturizëm I brendshëm Passing Juice
Restorante tradicionale I brendshëm Passing Juice
Punishte I brendshëm Passing Juice
Akomodim I brendshëm Passing Juice
Restorante I brendshëm Passing Juice
Bare I brendshëm Passing Juice
Jeta e natës I brendshëm Passing Juice
Zona shopping I brendshëm Passing Juice
Aeroporte I brendshëm Passing Juice
Linjat Urbane I brendshëm Passing Juice
Terminale I brendshëm Passing Juice
Trafiku I brendshëm Passing Juice
Stacionet Ecovolis I brendshëm Passing Juice
Mobike I brendshëm Passing Juice
Emergjenca dhe Spitale I brendshëm Passing Juice
Info Point I brendshëm Passing Juice
ATM I brendshëm Passing Juice
Zyra Postare I brendshëm Passing Juice
Biblioteka I brendshëm Passing Juice
Udhërrëfyesit dhe Operatorët turistikë I brendshëm Passing Juice
Investo në Tiranë I brendshëm Passing Juice
Udhëzues për Start Ups I brendshëm Passing Juice
Situata aktuale në Tiranën Rurale I brendshëm Passing Juice
Situata aktuale në Tiranën Urbane I brendshëm Passing Juice
Tregues makroekonomikë kombëtarë dhe vendorë I brendshëm Passing Juice
Suport dhe këshilla I brendshëm Passing Juice
Histori Suksesi I brendshëm Passing Juice
Llogarit detyrimet lokale I brendshëm Passing Juice
Përgatit dokumentat tatimore I brendshëm Passing Juice
Grante I brendshëm Passing Juice
Kredi të buta I brendshëm Passing Juice
Biznesi Social I brendshëm Passing Juice
Ëngjëjt e biznesit I brendshëm Passing Juice
Buxheti I brendshëm Passing Juice
Programi Buxhetor Afatmesëm 2016-2018 I brendshëm Passing Juice
Programi Buxhetor Afatmesëm 2018-2020 I brendshëm Passing Juice
Open Data I brendshëm Passing Juice
KET I brendshëm Passing Juice
Programi i transparencës I brendshëm Passing Juice
Konsultimi Publik I brendshëm Passing Juice
Forum I brendshëm Passing Juice
Anketime I brendshëm Passing Juice
Financim Projektesh I brendshëm Passing Juice
Zyrat e administratës I brendshëm Passing Juice
Aplikime dhe Info të tjera I brendshëm Passing Juice
Më shumë I brendshëm Passing Juice
Politikat e Privatësisë I brendshëm Passing Juice
Dita e Tokës I jashtem Passing Juice
Konferenca e Parë e Teknologjisë Dixhitale Inovative I jashtem Passing Juice
Ditari i Ana Frank I jashtem Passing Juice
Qualcosa di nuovo di Cristina Comencini I jashtem Passing Juice
Sa-Cha-Ba te REJA I jashtem Passing Juice
Njësh me natyrën I jashtem Passing Juice
Na Kontaktoni I brendshëm Passing Juice

Fjalekyce te SEO

Fjaletkyce te Cloud dhe nga tiranë tiranës bashkia tirana një për shumë prill
Fjalët kyce të konsistencës
Fjalëkyce Përmbajtje Titulli Fjalëkyce Përshkrimi Tituj
dhe 29
prill 22
tiranës 20
për 17
nga 16


Url Domain : tirana.al
Gjatësia : 9
Favicon Shkëlqyeshëm, faqja juaj ka një favicon.
Printueshmëria Ne nuk mundëm të gjejmë nje Print Friendly CSS.
Gjuha Ju nuk keni specifikuar gjuhen.
Dublin Core Kjo faqe nuk përfiton nga Dublin Core.


Doctype HTML 5
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Privatësia e emailit Kujdes! Të paktën një adresë e-mail është gjetur në tekstin e thjeshtë.
Kundërshto HTML Shkelqyeshem! Ne nuk kemi gjetur HTML tags të pariparuar në HTML tuaj.
Keshilla Speshmed
Perfekte, website juaj nuk përdor tabela të mbivendosura.
Shume keq, website juaj po perdor stile inline.
Shume keq, website juaj ka shume file CSS (me shume se4).
shume keq, website juaj ka shume file JavaScript (me shume se 6).
Shume keq, website juaj nuk e ka avntazhin e gzip.


Optimizim i telefonit
Ikona Apple
Meta Viewport Tag
Përmbajtje e shpejtë


XML Sitemap Shkëlqyeshëm, website juaj ka një XML sitemap.

Robots.txt Mungon

Website juaj nuk ka nje file robots.txt- Ky mund te jete nje problem.

A robots.txt file allows you to restrict the access of search engine robots that crawl the web and it can prevent these robots from accessing specific directories and pages. It also specifies where the XML sitemap file is located.
Analitike Shkelqyeshem, website juaj ka nje mjet analitik.

   Google Analytics

A e dini se?

Faqet më të shpejta renditen më mirë në rezultatet e kërkimit.

Koha e ngarkimit të faqes është një faktor në renditjen e rezultateve të kërkimeve në Google. Në korrik, azhornimi i Google ka shtuar kohën e ngarkimit të faqeve tek faktorët për renditjen e rezultateve të kërkimeve.

Me Cloud Hosting te WebHost.al faqja juaj do te hapet 3 here me shpejte se Hostet e Zakonshem
WebHost.al ofron migrimin falas te faqes tuaj nga Hosti aktual
WebHost.al ofron 30 Dite Prove, Nese nuk jeni te kenaqur ju kthehet shuma e paguar

me shume rreth sherbimit Cloud Hosting

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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/map-of-roads-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/map-of-roads.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/procedura-ankimim.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/prone-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/prone.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/sherbimi-social.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/strehim.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/tap.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/theatre-masks-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/theatre-masks.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/toka-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/toka.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/transporti.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/zyrat-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/zyrat.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/slider/20190412163120_veliaj-gjate-takimit-te-okb-ne-gjeneve-3.jpg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/slider/20190412163424_veliaj-gjate-inspektimit-te-shkolles-servete-maci-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/slider/20190412163755_ambientet-e-reja-te-godinave-28-29-ne-qs-2.jpg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/slider/20190415101557_veliaj-gjate-firmosjes-se-marreveshjes-me-banken-evropiane-per-investime-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f1ea-1f1fa.png (60 seconds)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f477-200d-2640-fe0f.png (60 seconds)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f64c.png (60 seconds)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f697.png (60 seconds)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f6a7.png (60 seconds)
  • https://syndication.twitter.com/timeline/profile?callback=__twttrf.callback&dnt=false&screen_name=BashkiaTirane&suppress_response_codes=true&lang=en&rnd=0.19426893815398216 (5 minutes)
  • https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-134428927-1 (15 minutes)
  • https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)
Trego si ta vendos
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Your page has 3 blocking script resources and 7 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:

  • https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js
  • https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=requestAnimationFrame,Element.prototype.classList,URL
  • https://tirana.al/js/ol.js

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:

  • https://tirana.al/css/swiper.min.css
  • https://tirana.al/css/reset.css
  • https://tirana.al/css/font.css
  • https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400,500,600,700,800
  • https://tirana.al/css/style.css
  • https://tirana.al/css/fontastic.css
  • https://tirana.al/css/ol.css
Trego si ta vendos
  Përmiresim për tu konsideruar:
Minify CSS
Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 34.7KiB (30% reduction).

  • Minifying https://tirana.al/css/style.css could save 34KiB (30% reduction).
  • Minifying https://tirana.al/css/fontastic.css could save 281B (19% reduction).
  • Minifying https://tirana.al/css/reset.css could save 255B (14% reduction).
  • Minifying https://tirana.al/css/font.css could save 207B (15% reduction).
Trego si ta vendos
Minify HTML
Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 43.7KiB (48% reduction).

  • Minifying https://tirana.al/ could save 43.7KiB (48% reduction).
Trego si ta vendos
Minify JavaScript
Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 6.7KiB (27% reduction).

  • Minifying https://tirana.al/js/fetch-tweet.js could save 5.4KiB (32% reduction).
  • Minifying https://tirana.al/js/script.js could save 1.3KiB (17% reduction).
Trego si ta vendos
Optimize images
Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 16.6KiB (43% reduction).

  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/weather/02d.png could save 8.6KiB (43% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/subscribe-image.jpg could save 7KiB (44% reduction).
  • Compressing https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/955745970700120070/UIolTraz_bigger.jpg could save 1KiB (38% reduction).
Trego si ta vendos
  Kalon 3 kontrolle
Shfaq detajet
Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has no redirects. Learn more about avoiding landing page redirects.

Reduce server response time

Your server responded quickly. Learn more about server response time optimization.

Prioritize visible content

You have the above-the-fold content properly prioritized. Learn more about prioritizing visible content.

100 / 100    Eksperienca e përdoruesit
  Kalon 5 kontrolle
Shfaq detajet
Avoid plugins

Your page does not appear to use plugins, which would prevent content from being usable on many platforms. Learn more about the importance of avoiding plugins.

Configure the viewport

Your page specifies a viewport matching the device's size, which allows it to render properly on all devices. Learn more about configuring viewports.

Size content to viewport

The contents of your page fit within the viewport. Learn more about sizing content to the viewport.

Size tap targets appropriately

All of your page's links/buttons are large enough for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Learn more about sizing tap targets appropriately.

Use legible font sizes

The text on your page is legible. Learn more about using legible font sizes.

0 / 100    Shpejtësia
  Duhet përmirësuar:
Enable compression
Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 890.7KiB (75% reduction).

  • Compressing https://tirana.al/js/ol.js could save 481.4KiB (75% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/css/style.css could save 96.5KiB (84% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/js/swiper.min.js could save 85.9KiB (74% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/ could save 79.4KiB (87% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/logow.svg could save 18.3KiB (69% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/logo.svg could save 18.2KiB (69% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/logoHeader.svg could save 16.8KiB (69% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/css/swiper.min.css could save 16.2KiB (84% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/js/fetch-tweet.js could save 13.3KiB (77% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/banim.svg could save 6.2KiB (76% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/banim-k.svg could save 6.2KiB (76% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/js/script.js could save 6KiB (75% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/tirana-gis-map-white.svg could save 4.1KiB (68% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/bashkepronesi.svg could save 3.6KiB (61% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/bashkepronesi-k.svg could save 3.6KiB (61% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/tirana-gis-map.svg could save 3KiB (59% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/strehim.svg could save 2.5KiB (60% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/strehim-k.svg could save 2.5KiB (60% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/css/ol.css could save 2.5KiB (68% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/toka.svg could save 1.3KiB (63% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/toka-k.svg could save 1.3KiB (62% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/procedura-ankimim.svg could save 1.1KiB (57% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/procedura-ankimim-k.svg could save 1.1KiB (57% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/css/fontastic.css could save 1.1KiB (71% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/css/reset.css could save 1.1KiB (57% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/css/font.css could save 1,011B (70% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/theatre-masks.svg could save 966B (51% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/theatre-masks-k.svg could save 954B (51% reduction).
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  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/karburante-k.svg could save 889B (50% reduction).
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  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/sherbimi-social-k.svg could save 852B (55% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/map-of-roads.svg could save 837B (48% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/map-of-roads-k.svg could save 836B (48% reduction).
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  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/zyrat-k.svg could save 665B (48% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/emergjenca.svg could save 651B (52% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/emergjenca-k.svg could save 650B (52% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/zyrat.svg could save 616B (47% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/arkiva.svg could save 569B (50% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/arkiva-k.svg could save 567B (50% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/tap-k.svg could save 549B (46% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/transporti.svg could save 538B (51% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/tap.svg could save 535B (46% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/prone.svg could save 530B (42% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/prone-k.svg could save 528B (42% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/call.svg could save 453B (42% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/closew.svg could save 354B (43% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/search.svg could save 353B (41% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/searchb.svg could save 348B (41% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/prevv.svg could save 269B (38% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/nextt.svg could save 262B (36% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/menu.svg could save 244B (41% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/menuw.svg could save 229B (39% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/next.svg could save 129B (28% reduction).
  • Compressing https://tirana.al/img/prev.svg could save 129B (28% reduction).
Trego si ta vendos
Leverage browser caching
Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

  • https://tirana.al/css/font.css (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/css/fontastic.css (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/css/fonts/untitled-font-1.woff (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/css/ol.css (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/css/reset.css (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/css/style.css (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/css/swiper.min.css (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/call.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/closew.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/logo.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/logoHeader.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/logow.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/menu.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/menuw.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/next.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/nextt.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/prev.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/prevv.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/search.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/searchb.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/subscribe-image.jpg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/img/tirana-gis-map.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/img/weather/02d.png (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/js/fetch-tweet.js (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/js/ol.js (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/js/script.js (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/js/swiper.min.js (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/article/20190405160348_rama-dhe-veliaj-gjate-perurimit-te-salles-se-re-te-koncerteve-te-liceut-artistik-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/bashkepronesi.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/emergjenca.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/karburante.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/map-of-roads.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/procedura-ankimim.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/prone-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/prone.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/strehim.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/tap.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/theatre-masks.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/toka-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/toka.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/transporti-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/transporti.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/zyrat-k.svg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/articleCategory/zyrat.svg (expiration not specified)
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  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/slider/20190412163424_veliaj-gjate-inspektimit-te-shkolles-servete-maci-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/slider/20190412163755_ambientet-e-reja-te-godinave-28-29-ne-qs-2.jpg (expiration not specified)
  • https://tirana.al/uploads/images/slider/20190415101557_veliaj-gjate-firmosjes-se-marreveshjes-me-banken-evropiane-per-investime-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f1ea-1f1fa.png (60 seconds)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f477-200d-2640-fe0f.png (60 seconds)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f64c.png (60 seconds)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f697.png (60 seconds)
  • https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f6a7.png (60 seconds)
  • https://syndication.twitter.com/timeline/profile?callback=__twttrf.callback&dnt=false&screen_name=BashkiaTirane&suppress_response_codes=true&lang=en&rnd=0.19426893815398216 (5 minutes)
  • https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-134428927-1 (15 minutes)
  • https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)
Trego si ta vendos
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Your page has 3 blocking script resources and 7 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:

  • https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js
  • https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=requestAnimationFrame,Element.prototype.classList,URL
  • https://tirana.al/js/ol.js

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:

  • https://tirana.al/css/swiper.min.css
  • https://tirana.al/css/reset.css
  • https://tirana.al/css/font.css
  • https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400,500,600,700,800
  • https://tirana.al/css/style.css
  • https://tirana.al/css/fontastic.css
  • https://tirana.al/css/ol.css
Trego si ta vendos
Optimize images
Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 7.2MiB (73% reduction).

  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/article/20190412154226_veliaj-gjate-firmosjes-se-marreveshjes-me-banken-evropiane-per-investime-1.jpg could save 1.4MiB (76% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/article/20190402124629_veliaj-gjate-mbjelljes-se-pemeve-ne-allgjate-4.jpg could save 1.2MiB (75% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/article/20190405160816_veliaj-gjate-forumit-te-mjedisit-ne-genova-1.jpeg could save 1.2MiB (73% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/article/20190405161146_veliaj-gjate-western-balkans-digital-summit-ne-beograd-3.jpg could save 1.1MiB (72% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/article/20190405160348_rama-dhe-veliaj-gjate-perurimit-te-salles-se-re-te-koncerteve-te-liceut-artistik-1.jpg could save 1.1MiB (73% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/article/20190405161645_nenkryetari-mazniku-gjate-sqarimit-te-studenteve-per-ndertimin-e-shkolles-se-re-ne-koder-kames-2.jpg could save 897.5KiB (68% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/page/20180604085831_erion_veliaj.jpg could save 308.5KiB (65% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/uploads/images/article/20180329092951_keshilli-bashkiak.jpg could save 101.8KiB (73% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/img/weather/02d.png could save 18.4KiB (91% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://tirana.al/img/subscribe-image.jpg could save 13KiB (79% reduction).
  • Compressing https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/955745970700120070/UIolTraz_bigger.jpg could save 1KiB (38% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f64c.png could save 339B (34% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f31e.png could save 334B (39% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f46b.png could save 248B (20% reduction).
  • Compressing and resizing https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f333.png could save 143B (23% reduction).
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